
This is part of a video series of the Feb. 2020 Chen Zhonghua Sydney, Australia Practical Method Seminar. You can buy the whole series of more than 66 videos if you like this one. If you like, you can buy the entire series as a discounted package.

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It has to go here. You’re starting to. No, go that way. No, watch me, watch this way. Feel that now? You feel that? Don’t put, don’t put power there, put the Intention there. It means it’s a small adjustment. When you are a little bit larger, it went out.

So the beginning of learning, do that so it’s not there. So this can you feel? Now push here and you feeling it starts to come here. And then gradually that you can put it anywhere. But you want to reconnect, reconnect and get rid of.

Push me. You are all here. It is here. We want it to come out of here and now push. We’re all here. You feel this? We want to get rid of it. It’s all in here. It’s here. See, it went there. It’s a very difficult. Habit. Do you understand? How do you feel that? When you do it right, you can feel it? You ask that question because you are not feeling it.

When you do it correctly, the result is very dramatic. So one of the things let me let me explain to you, I always teach very little content and a lot of methods. And so the one of the things people do is you always ask. Whenever you have a question, do not ask. And if you ask, I will not give you an answer. I’ll use it to say something. Because there is no point in two people not knowing, very rarely only my wife and I can do it, the rest of the world cannot do it. We are very, very special.

But do not consider yourself that special. So things must have some meaning. When there is no meaning, you can’t generate it. So once the meaning is there, there is no question. It’s clear. So when I was asking in terms of qigong, asking my master after three years of very, very extensive training, I said, I feel this a certain place is open. Is it really open? My master says, no. I said, well, you haven’t asked me what I felt like.

And he said, but your statement is very clear. When something is open, it’s so clear that dramatically says, oh, it’s like that. Oh, I get it. Is so overwhelming. You don’t need to ask. When you ask, it means you thought of something in the dark. It’s totally unrelated. And so I did not understand that. I did not understand that. And so my teacher said, go to the bathroom and flush the toilet. And I did it came out he said, did it flush. I said, yeah. And so how did you know. I said it went, oh like that. He says, were you thinking whether it flushed?

Do you need to ask whether it flush? You can see the water coming, like that. It’s not like I think so, but i’m not too sure. So now you understand? When you do it right, it’s very clear and even more. Why? Because you’ve never done that. You’ve never had that experience in your life. And so in meditation terms, when your body lines up, when it connects, the feeling is expressed in five ways.

I’ll tell you two. I save the other three for future workshops. One is called the thunder. When two body parts in your body connect, like one this connects to here, you immediately feel there is a thunder, here, clearly loud and clear, thunder in the sky, very loud. And when other people say you are making it up. You say you are not my friend anymore because it’s real, it is clear and you are telling me i’m crazy. No, you are crazy.

Because that connection has never been in your body before. When it happens, the thunder is fake. It’s real, the physical sound is fake, but it causes something in your body so loud and clear. It’s not like, oh, I feel something, like there is a little whatever. No it’s not like that. So you hear the thunder and then you will also feel the electric shock. It’s undeniably clear. It is like two hundred twenty.

What is volts or on you. You jump as high as you used to. How high can you jump? No, no, not a good student. And when you, when you don’t follow, you interrupt my instruction. I say, how high? You say one meter. Do I really want to care whether one meter is right or wrong? No, we follow the the conversation. How high can you jump?

So when you do it correctly, five meters. And then when you land, you see, how did I do that? My entire life I was only jumping one meter. How did I jump five meters. Because there was a huge ?? or something of electricity on you, made you jump. So the correct taiji movements will make people jump up and further than you normally can.

And after it, you come here, you jump. You cannot jump that that far. And how did it happen? Because your body experience something, your instinct of self-protection will make you jump that much. Because you’ve never felt that before. So there will be five indicators. So are those two very clear? Because i’m afraid the other three are not clear. So the sound is clear. The touch is also clear.

So we need to establish this and the movements are very, very clear. So the other one is subtly clear. It means you didn’t do anything. Why did you jump? I didn’t do anything. Why did you jump? So I want to have a conversation with you. Like, are you pretending? When you do taiji right. You don’t need other people to tell you you are pretending. You actually wonder why is he doing that? Because you certainly did not do anything. Why did he jump? So that’s the clarity.

So what I am trying to say is that when you move correctly, something dramatic happens. And if nothing dramatic happens, what is going on? You didn’t do it right. Ok, so with most people, let me explain again, I used other things. Now this time, let me tell you what we’re trying to do. This is us. So far, we assume our human movements are always here on the upper body, and here on the upper body. You have been a very, very high level martial artist. If you do not do this, if you are connecting to somewhere here and the people will feel you have the extreme power, what we and many people only connect here. What we want is to connect from here to go up here and connect. Let’s call this one here. We want this connection.

We want this foot to surge up through dantian, come back here and the top is gone. This is touching, this foot here comes up like this, but it’s locked with a lid on it, it goes here, went there. We want this here. This is just there. Just there. We don’t want this.

So can you see it’s only here? When your power is here, this is a rope, a hook. And so we say this is setup right. The fighting here is precisely like that, this is a traditional word, like pulling the trigger. It’s not like pulling the trigger. It’s pulling the trigger. And today I realized that in your life in australia, you don’t pull the trigger. It’s like fishing, not you doing this, it is the hook. Once the hook is on the fish, the line is not tight. The fish cannot go away. It just stays there. So this is simple. It’s not.


















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