Tai Chi – The Art of Precision (太极-精准的艺术)

Ramona Gomez是菲尼克斯实用拳法学员。学拳两年半有余。参加陈中华老师在菲尼克斯的讲座两次。每次都有很大的进步。她有严重的膝关节炎。两年半前抱着试试的心情学习实用拳法。在一学期(3个月)的学习和锻炼后,膝关节炎症有了很好的改善。以后就一直坚持了下来。
Tai Chi – The Art of Precision
By Ramona Gomez
As we celebrate another new year, we should take time to reflect on the previous year and the one ahead. For the past few years I have continued to practice and enjoy the art of Tai Chi and hope to continue for a long time. There is much to be said for the accomplishments I have made and I am proud of them. Yet I see there is much more to work on.
After attending Master Chen Zhonghua’s seminar and workshop last month, I seem to have been left with lots of work to do on my form. My teacher Ping Wei always has good feedback for all students generally and also individually about being precise and following the rules and methodology of Tai Chi.
These are some of the constructive criticisms I have received as my Yilu practice has progressed:
When moving through any form that requires rotation as in positive and negative circles, one must move only at the pelvis concentrating on the dantien.
Spine stays straight up and down as if it is a spiral like a hinge on a revolving door.
Keep the top of the head pushing up as if trying to push the ceiling or preventing an object from falling off the head.
Keep the head at the same height not bouncing up nor down.
Knees stay fixed neither splaying in nor out. This requires much practice to ‘open the hips’.
Keep the bum tucked under as this provides more stability.
Drive the power down onto the ground through the feet and out through the middle finger.
Lead with the elbow into the ribcage with the hand only following without a bent wrist. Hand should not move, only follow.
Relax the shoulders down  and avoid shrugging them.
Pay attention to the trailing hand and keep it engaged.
Finish every move completely.
You should apply all these rules while practicing the circles and Yilu. Also when practicing foundational exercises such as ‘twisting the towel, ‘fetching water’, and ‘six sealing four closing’ remember that the quality of the move is more important than the quantity.
To further improve my practice, I recorded myself doing Yilu. I noticed many mistakes that I cannot sense nor see in the mirror. I can suggest to any student of TaiChi that this is so helpful. Using recordings will enable you to track your progress over time. Pick one or two items in your list to work on until you get it right and move on to the next. Eventually your practice will look smooth, effortless and round even though you are working hard.
There will always be room for improvement.


Tai Chi – The Art of Precision


By Ramona Gomez

作者——Ramona Gomez


As we celebrate another new year, we should take time to reflect on the previous year and the one ahead. For the past few years I have continued to practice and enjoy the art of Tai Chi and hope to continue for a long time. There is much to be said for the accomplishments I have made and I am proud of them. Yet I see there is much more to work on.


After attending Master Chen Zhonghua’s seminar and workshop last month, I seem to have been left with lots of work to do on my form. My teacher Ping Wei always has good feedback for all students generally and also individually about being precise and following the rules and methodology of Tai Chi.


These are some of the constructive criticisms I have received as my Yilu practice has progressed:


When moving through any form that requires rotation as in positive and negative circles, one must move only at the pelvis concentrating on the dantien.


Spine stays straight up and down as if it is a spiral like a hinge on a revolving door.


Keep the top of the head pushing up as if trying to push the ceiling or preventing an object from falling off the head.


Keep the head at the same height not bouncing up nor down.


Knees stay fixed neither splaying in nor out. This requires much practice to ‘open the hips’.


Keep the bum tucked under as this provides more stability.


Drive the power down onto the ground through the feet and out through the middle finger.


Lead with the elbow into the ribcage with the hand only following without a bent wrist. Hand should not move, only follow.


Relax the shoulders down  and avoid shrugging them.


Pay attention to the trailing hand and keep it engaged.


Finish every move completely.


You should apply all these rules while practicing the circles and Yilu. Also when practicing foundational exercises such as ‘twisting the towel, ‘fetching water’, and ‘six sealing four closing’ remember that the quality of the move is more important than the quantity.


To further improve my practice, I recorded myself doing Yilu. I noticed many mistakes that I cannot sense nor see in the mirror. I can suggest to any student of TaiChi that this is so helpful. Using recordings will enable you to track your progress over time. Pick one or two items in your list to work on until you get it right and move on to the next. Eventually your practice will look smooth, effortless and round even though you are working hard.


There will always be room for improvement.



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