庇身捶分享-内蒙古包头梁红梅 My sharing on fist draping over body

今天看陈旭教练的视频关于庇身捶的讲解,才意识到细节的把握是非常关键的,原来我只是两手孤立的做作,并没有配合两胯的旋转。我按教练说的配合胯的作在做时,突然之间,觉得好累。紧接着陈教练又说,落下的手,做反圈时,不能收回,直接落下,我根本不会做,试了好久,才有点感觉,最难受的是下面一条,手的力量是往外延伸,而肘部的力量就是往里,我多次练习,教练说的明白,就是做不到。这会就真切地会了实用拳法的魅力。别扭的动作得变得不别扭,我又想到了陈中华老师所说的话,于是就一遍遍开始练习,后来慢慢地有好转,身的控制能力好了一些。这时候才意识到练好基本功的重要性,也明白看似简单的反圈并不简单,它蕴含着太极的大学问。 通过仔细学习视频,我才发现,有了教练的指导,对于我们学拳者来说是多么重要,我们可以变得不在迷茫。我们也可以少走弯路,把自己的身体保护好,在这个疫情非常时期,更优雅健康地活着。我庆幸自己,成了实用拳法大家庭的一员。我会朝着这条光明大道一直走下去,无论多么艰难困苦。


Today, I watched the video of Coach Chen Xu’s explanation on fist draping over body , only to realize that it is very important to grasp the details. It turned out that I only did the movements with both hands in isolation, and did not cooperate with the rotation of the two Kua . Suddenly, I felt tired when I was doing as what the coach said with in conjunction with my hand’s actions. Then coach Chen also said that the dropping hand could not be retreated,when doing the reverse circle, and dropped directly. I would not do it at all. After trying for a long time, I felt a little bit better. The most uncomfortable is the following one. The strength of the hand is extended outward. The strength of the elbow is to go inward . I have practiced many times. I understands what the coach said. yet it seems impossible to do it.This will truly appreciate the charm of practical method. The awkward movement became unawkward, and I thought about what Chen Zhonghua said, so I started practicing over and over again, and then gradually improved a lot. My physical control ability was better. Only then did I realize the importance of practicing foundation and understand that the seemingly simple negative circle is not simple. It contains great theories from Tai Chi. After studying the video carefully, I found out that with the coach’s guidance, how important it is for us to learn practical method,we can not be confused. We can also take less detours and protect our bodies. During this very epidemic period, we will live more gracefully and healthily. I am fortunate to be a member of the practical method family. I will walk down this avenue of light, no matter how hard and difficult.


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