陈中华老师视频分享 My Sharing On Master Chen’s Video

陈中华老师的视频一定要仔细看,一都不能错过,里蕴含着太极的大秘密。 当我看到老师这个视频时,我内心深受感。老师不厌其烦地解释作,还让习练者亲自尝试。最后录制了视频。他的良苦用心只是希望我们习练者快速找到练拳的方向,平时在听老师的讲座时,发现 他的无私现在许多方,他毫无保留的介绍太极知识,幽默风趣的语言让我为之容。

我也暗暗地发誓一定要努力练拳,尽快地提高拳技。我在不断地学习和练习中,充了兴奋和惊喜。也慢慢地找到了一些感觉,肩要下,胯要上提,将手肘出去。并且确保肘部在一条直线上, 当我尝试按照老师的指示去做时,我发现身的力量比以往任何时候都强大。我甚至把老师说的,“只手不推”应用到了推手实战当中。我特别兴奋地写下自己的感受,迫不及待地与大家分享。希望更多的人受益于实用拳法。尽管我知道我在实用拳法的练习中,还有很长的路要走,但我非常有信心地迎接接下来的挑战

Master Chen’s video must be watched carefully. You must not miss any detail at all. It contains the great secret of Tai Chi. When I saw the teacher’s video, I was deeply moved. The teacher explained the movement tirelessly and let the trainees try it for themselves. The video was finally recorded. His good Intentions only hope that our practitioners will quickly find the direction of practical method .Usually, in Maser Chen’s lectures, I found that his selflessness was reflected in many aspects.

He introduced Tai Chi knowledge without reservation, and humorous words impressed me a lot. I also secretly vowed to work hard to improve skills as soon as possible. In my continuous study and practice, I was full of excitement and surprise. I slowly found some feelings, my shoulder was sinking, my kua was raised, and my elbow was stretching. And make sure that the elbows are in a straight line.

When I try to do this according to Master Chen. I find that my power is stronger than ever. Still, I can use“ just open up and don’t push ”into pushing hands.I was particularly excited to write down my feelings. I can’t wait to share it with everyone.Hopefully,more and more people benefit a lot from practical method .Although I still have a long way to go in practical method,I am very confident to meet the following challenges.


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