
This is part of a video series of the Feb. 2020 Chen Zhonghua Sydney, Australia Practical Method Seminar. You can buy the whole series of more than 66 videos if you like this one. If you like, you can buy the entire series as a discounted package.

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讲解: 陈中华   片长: 9 分钟   语言:英语   年代: 2020  难度:2/5  地:澳洲悉尼陈中华太极教学

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Step up. Okay. Okay. so overall, your foot is off. On the line. so when you guys train by yourself. you have to draw lines on the floor, or find points of reference. The. just stop. so we must, only, for Yilu, we must be very, very strict, that Yilu is this way. and then you put a point of reference. all this is a reference point.

All your movements are here. and then here, back. here, and then occasionally you venture out, either here or here or here.  Can you see? I use here to denote, wasn’t inaccurate, 45 degrees, if you have anything here, use the point of reference is still 45 degrees.

They are all the same.  And on this side here. 45. so they must all be like this. so these are all the moves.  But this is. according to our form, but if you extract that and don’t draw like that, all we do is here. bad drawing should stop the same here.  It means your guiding direction is the cross. north, south, east, west.

your small moves are always on the 45 degrees, and that’s called the cardinal and diagonal. you cannot have anything else.  Our problem in Yilu, Cannon fist is different. so now you understand? so when this is here, this has to be here.  And the only off is we are almost there, but it looks different.  But you cannot be like this. go.

Okay. Stop. Okay. see all those moves. Bigger. come back to white crane. Go, Stop. this is big. You feel that?  Stop, relax. feel that? Mhm. now tell me how you feel, what you feel. Stretched. to what extent?  Well, shoulders pulling apart. yeah, yeah.

you are right, but the key is not that, the key that I am pulling you so hard that you can feel I pulled into here. if this is not being pulled, you have not stretched. because now see? touch me here. and look at here. so these are called movements, but this is not a movement. because you have further extended.

so whenever something is stretched to its limit, we call that a rotation. so this part. you must remember. so now. come closer. I’ll show you. what a rotation is, I’ve defined rotation 20 other different ways. they all end up being the same, different ways of.

Because you’re. when you are doing Taiji, when later on you do applications, the occasion that specific case does not allow you to do a perfect mechanical rotation. you have to do things in a way that, in the end, it’s a rotation. so this is the core. the axis. and this is the line. and if this is the limit.

it always, you guys always use a permanent, well, this is a whiteboard marker. but why does not, does it not. so this is one line, and this is your limit where it should be. so whenever you move like this here. it looks like this. it’s not a rotation. again, bad drawing but the idea is it’s not. what is the rotation.  This is fixed when this reaches here, it’s a rotation.

can you understand? in this case, the rotation is defined as. I’ll write down the Chinese are translated. because otherwise, sometimes I lose everything in my head. rotation is defined in this Chinese concept as when something goes to extreme. when something goes to its extreme, it reverses itself.

so when it goes to here. it is almost about it, but you stretch it without movement anywhere a little bit more.  By the time it is here, it will never continue to go straight anymore.  From this point here, it has no more to go. It will start, the whole thing will start to go like this.

so, the next one. it has to go here. the next one, it has to go here. so do you understand? some of you. if you had that mechanical background, so rotation, this is very, very crucial to our taiji. ok? watch. Here. you always push. Peter, come here. you put your finger here. and just put it there, like this. and no, just put there.  Don’t fight me.  Put it there. you always push, because this is the dot. and it extends here. and when I go here. you always move like this, that’s why you are always confrontational. what you do is he’s there, I don’t care.

I stretch. When I stretched to his limit, That stretch, the rod has no room for any further move, but I have pressure stretching it.  That pressure has to go somewhere.  But this is the end.  There is a wall. let’s say this is the strongest material on earth. it’s a wall, but this is still expanding. where it expands, where does it go?

it has to go sideways. and that once has, at the very beginning of your move, it’s straight, in the end, that straight goes to its extreme.  It has to start going sideways. and when it starts to go sideways, very likely, the action is that it only went sideways one millionth of a unit, whatever measurement. and then it stops, then you continue to give it a pressure to stretch. and the material cannot stretch longer.  It actually warps sideways.

Now, the word is, that process is not a rotation.  It’s because the expansion of the lines that has nowhere to go is starts to warp sideways. and then another little warp sideways, many, many of them put together.  It’s a rotation.  This rotation is another million times stronger than a rotation. it’s a wharpping action.

the warping action by Einstein’s time was the biggest action. that that action is so big, it can swallow time. rotation is so big, it’s better than anything straight. but that warping is even better than this rotation. now, do you understand?  So this is a simple rotation.

Can you see? so now the guys, the more advanced to guys, you know, when you push hands with me, I produce a very strange feeling on you, is because I pretend to rotate that will meet with your resistance. when that happens, I will go until you are strong I am strong, I go stretch, when I stretch, you bounce out. so now you understand? so I try to tell you. when you go like this, you are doing a simple version of a rotation, which is not only simple, it’s quite flawed.  That’s ok, because we’re just learning the moves.  Once you learn the moves, see you cannot go like this.

Why? now use another term, because when you go like this. it’s possible that your size became smaller. rotational forces were only, produce centrifugal force, which does not become small. so now, can you see that now? stretched to the extreme until you feel you truly tore yourself apart into two pieces. so you go home when you tear yourself into two pieces, I think will congratulate you. white crane. yeah, now, continue with that. Ah, that’s it.  It’s not that difficult, right?  But this one same thing you have to, it is so big, it goes to the other side.  So this is called going over.













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