
This is part of a video series of the Feb. 2020 Chen Zhonghua Sydney, Australia Practical Method Seminar. You can buy the whole series of more than 66 videos if you like this one. If you like, you can buy the entire series as a discounted package.

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讲解: 陈中华   片长: 9 分钟   语言:英语   年代: 2020  难度:2/5  地:澳洲悉尼陈中华太极教学

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More foot. Shoulder too strong. That’s it. You feel that, right? There’s nothing in the middle anymore. Can you see? Watch. Before it’s still here? That’s it. Do it, no, shoulder down. Oh, that’s it. That’s so sweet. Do it again. That’s it. Yeah. See that? You found the spot. Go. Finish it. See, you’re here, then immediately. Yeah. One more. Finish it. So rory try it. Don’t use any power, only use this. That’s it. Yeah, go. Too much strength. OK, just a few, no, just pretending to fight and then this here do this. Keep going. And there’s no power, right? Yeah.

So you actually start up here and this power splits into the two ends. Yeah, yeah, too much fighting. Go again, go, go. So don’t fight him here, just go like this. In. No, hold him there. No, don’t slide. Every move is on him. Yeah. No, that way. Pull back. That’s it. In the end, one move. Feel that? A lot of stretch in the end one release. So there’s no push. There’s a release. Stretch him and pull back. Yeah. Yeah. And see you are here. Put your power onto your finger. Yeah. Yeah. Shoot out. No, you are having power, you have power. Just like that. Now go. Feel that? As if the board you’re going like this, don’t go like this.

So let paul try. So you try first, you saw it, right? That’s it. Go. Start just push here, start here and go in here and drop here, lots, lots and lots at that point here, this one going to go this way. This goes that way. A little bit stronger, when he resists. Go. No, you are still pushing. Go again? Ok. No, no, no, no, no, split this way. No, no, no. You’re still going towards him. Watch. Watch. He does not exist. Touch my nose, touch my nose, touch my nose, and then turn this way. Yes.

You guarantee your own stretch? No, no, don’t, don’t, don’t do that. Ok. There’s none of that. There’s none of that. Go. It is, but it’s not physical. So you only do this, this totally into. Your buttock is too far out. Stay here, only do this. No, no. You’re pushing all to him. This is the problem. You, he’s there. Do not go that way. Only go this way. You see, it is very easy, right? Is it totally through. No, no. Don’t push him. Go toward me. And that’s it.

So this is what i’m teaching you against, don’t go towards your opponents. You see here. Rory, stand here. This is him. We all have this feeling, only here, can you see over here. Now you understand? As soon as you go sideways, he powers up, you get into that struggle.

And if you touch him, it’s pretending. And no, no, no, you’re still going that way. Go this way. More, more. That’s it. Now rotate. You moved. Go, stretch. That’s it. Don’t move. Watch me. Only like this. And as you go back do it again, don’t lean onto that. No, no, no, no. You finish virtually here. No, no shoulder virtually this way. That’s it. And then rotate like that and it’s finished. Do it again.

OK, no, no, don’t finish. You finish here and more. That’ it. Don’t move. OK, so this here come this way and no, no move here at all. Only come this way. And this one rotate. No, you are pushing. Go again. OK, i’ll do it. This way. This way. That’s it. Only an orientation of rotation. There’s no physical movement. Watch me. Touch me behind first, on my leg. See, i’m not out. You always have a little bit of this. Just like this here. OK, so there’s no fighting, right? At that point, see, when I rotate here, this one does this. It’s right there. There’s no push. Remember, never push towards your opponent.

Go. Just use this move. When he touches, right? Can you see? Yeah, touch me. Yeah, it doesn’t matter. Touch. You see. This is what you do. Right? But see watch. You see it now? Go. So when he touches, you slide right. Oh, yeah, and more. That’s, no, no, that’s OK. Because you’re in front.

That’s OK. Go like this. Yeah. It’s not a horizontal push. Rory, you do it. No, no, no, you fought. On the touch, go, that’s it. No, no, come, come look at me again. You had this normal move. So immediately here. Drop your shoulder. That’s it. That’s OK. Use here. Turn this way. No, no. This way. No, don’t move. This way. As you turn, push. That’s it. You did not do that turn. Watch me. And as you do this here. You don’t have enough range. But i’m working on that.

In the end it is always just like this, oh, go, see you went to your shoulder. See when he’s about to do this here, you went to your shoulder. Just go, it’s already finished, right? You understand that? Go slowly. That’s it. That’s. Stay there. See where he touches you, no move, only do like this. Too strong. Just. That’s it. Don’t move, no move. Stay there, no fight. This here go to the other side. Don’t move. Stay there. Where he touches you. Don’t move. Only go like this. As you do this here, you go up here. Can you see you’re on the other side? And at that time you turn. The switch.

That’s never any fight. See watch me. So we are here, now touch me here and touch me here. Yes, this is movement. But can you see i’m on the other side already? No, no, no. Touch me. This is move. But can you see i went to the other side? I was just thinking how we, my body tried to go that way but. You don’t have enough range. Yeah. Anywhere you touch me. This is a move.

Can you see I went? Just by myself. Most of the fighting is by yourself. Yeah. If you confront, how are you going to ever gather the power against somebody stronger. Yeah. This is his power. Just naturally there’s no way. But can you see? I’m on the other side, right? Power went. There isn’t anything like this. Go. Into arms. Perfect. No, no, no, not shoulder. Towards me, yeah, that’s it.










你看到我到了?就我自己。大部分对抗是由你自己进行的。是的。如果对抗,你如何聚集力量来对抗更强壮的人?是的。这是他的力量。自然而然地没有办法。但是你看到了吗?我在另一边,对吗? 量到了。没有像这样的动作。走。手臂。好。不,不,不,不是肩膀。朝向我,就是这样。

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