
This is part of a video series of the Feb. 2020 Chen Zhonghua Sydney, Australia Practical Method Seminar. You can buy the whole series of more than 66 videos if you like this one. If you like, you can buy the entire series as a discounted package.

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That’s why it is going to create spasm here and here. Go. Do that twist. Yeah. No, go. Stretch. No, twist. No, this way. No. Yeah yeah, that way but don’t turn, only this way.  No. This way.  Don’t turn only this way. Yeah, and now twist it. No, no, this is, the twist is good. Twist it. On the twist, it has to be.

No, on this side. Twist. There. You feel this separation, you train that. And the same here. Lock here, lock here, twist here. No, lock here. And twist yourself here, that’s why there is going to be a lot of pulling. A little. Yeah, yeah. The outside is just holding it. See. The outside anywhere you find is holding him. This is also holding, if you use powers, it’s like this. You power up, you see. Here and here, then I twist myself here. There is no fighting. I just switched the balance.

Show you the feeling. So I catch you and catch you and pretend to fight. Now you fight back. Yes. So, paul, you touch him. Come here. Just touch one finger there. And poke it. Feel it. More and more, this way. Yeah. That’s it. Stiff, right? Now it’s here. Okay. And this only orientation. In the opposite direction.

This move, if you don’t wiggle, you touch me here. Watch. Touch. Watch. This is, if it does not wiggle, it travels to my finger. The other hand touch here. No, the same person. You can feel it. Here, has a catch, right? Wiggled. But can you feel? Lower. Wiggling, right? Can you feel it? Stretching.

Two stretches. So you feel that now? Go. A little bit here. So, paul, you do it now. Okay. This side. Don’t move, only push straight this way. No, don’t wiggle. Straighten this way. No, this line, not here. Only this way, no, not here. Only here. That’s it. Now, at this point here, lock, lock, rotate it. No, no, rotate this way.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, see you are tight here. This causes a small, that’s it, you feel him?  This one here, a little bit here. That’s it. A little bit here, this one, a little bit this way. And this one has to come over here. Not enough, right? Tighter. Oh, okay, the bottom is good. Go do your bottom. That’s it.

You feel that he goes to the other side, you got stuck in the same side. Yeah. So now, this one, this one, split. This one, this way. This one, that way. Do that split. Squeeze the shoulder in. That’s it.  Now, this fall that way. Almost, almost. That one, releases back. It has to be from here. Trying to pull him.

Yeah, this one, you’re still here, turn that way. It’s the twist. This this way. As it happened. Watch my hand. That’s it. That’s it. Too small, right? But small. Lead with the kua. Front kua. And turn back behind you. Yeah. Over. Yeah, your power is still in your core. It has to be released to the. So what it does is that you gather the power in the core.  It has to be released into the extremities.

Like the rotation it went, it truly rotates. Power from the core, goes to the outside. Yeah, now when you rotate the core. Power has to go to the two hands, split both ways. The other hand, this way. I don’t have enough. No, you don’t have enough shoulder rotation. Shoulder rotate. That’s it. Like that. From the kua. From the kua.

Almost. Finger, the other hand, the other hand, this way. Not doing it. Because he’s not getting me into the locked position. Yeah, yeah, he’s not catching it. There’s no catch. Go, step in. That’ it. Now split it. Step in more. That’s it. Go. You’re ? on the top. Move your, rotate your kua. See when you rotate your kua, your top moved. Your top did not transfer power, your top has to go to the finger. You are moving on the chest. Go to your finger.

Stop, go, stay there. I’ll show you this one. See here? It has to be here. And you feel that here. You have to do it.  You’ve got that now. Stretch it. Now, stay there. And in forwards, stay there. Stay here, don’t come back and this one drop. Yeah, you’re just, you’re on 50/50.  You need a little bit more. You have to go over.

Rory, you try. Mm. Ok, that’ it, go. Yeah, actually has too much on top. Go again. The top is locked, and lock him here. No, actually grab him here. No. Grab him here. No. Here. Why, because in the end, you need this. When you are here that won’t catch, but now you catch. See here? Put the power that way. And in the end, it comes back here. No, comes back here. Stay there. Stay here, watch. And in the end, no no, no, don’t move. Let me move it. In the end, no catch it.

It becomes like this, this rotation, you feel that? Rotate here. Stretch. Stretch, longer, no, don’t push, just stretch longer. Stretch yourself back, that’s it, now rotate here. No, you moved. That rotation forces this out. So that’s it. So don’t move, ok. You feel that here.? More. Yeah, yeah, you feel that? Now, turn that way. Yeah, this one, more stretch. Yeah. You feel that? So he also got stuck on that threshold.

Watch me. This is a threshold. So paul, you touch my hand. Yeah. You are stuck here. But can you see? Now, do it again. And touch this shoulder. Yeah. You are here, yeah. Can you see? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And see watch, see this here, you watch my shoulder. My shoulder goes into my hand. But through the arm, it’s not this. Can you see it? It went.

Your power. It is here, going through here. Became longer. It’s a reach, right? Like, stretch, right? You had some movements. I tried to do it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. When you do that, this is a natural rotation. Otherwise, you are trying.

Ok. Who’s doing it? Okay, don’t move, don’t move, just hold everything, drop your shoulder. No, watch, drop your shoulder into your hand. Uh, yeah yeah, not enough rotation on the hand, shoulder is good. No, you did not match. This here, matches here, watch. No, just feel. You feel that now?  So before you were just moving. This move goes in there. And this one stops it. Stops in his body. This one stops that way. And now this one goes this way.













好。 谁在做?好,不要动不要动,只合住,肩。不,注意,将肩膀到手中。嗯,是的,手上没有足够的旋转,肩膀很好。不,没配上。在这里,和这里配上,看。不,只感觉。你现在感觉到了吗?因此,之前你只是动了。这个动作到那里。而这一阻止了它。停在他的身上。这个在那边停。现在,这个往这走 。


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