

2020.03.06 Diner with Kelvin Ho and Fred Wong. Fish and Chips. 炸鱼、炸红薯条。

Kelvin Ho and Fred Wong in The Bayview Community Center in the evening of 2020.03.06




晚上越裔学员Hui 主给我按摩。他是按摩师。这是第二次。

TorontoWorkshop20200307 – 合影


Toronto workshop 7 March 2020 Morning session notes
Posted by Harshil
1) sequence of learning- learn Form (overall structure), stretch (no fight),  and how to stretch
2) step in on moving positive circle.  Elbow comes in, leg goes out in same direction no deviation
3) bypass/ turning over – there is no direct connection of 2 body parts as if there is you can not connect to ground , can not bypass,

Toronto Workshop 20200308 Group Photo – 1

4) How to stretch ,
Remain on track,

When you can bypass you create stretch ,
Adjacent body parts have to give a way in order to stretch
5) real learning is not about something big or important, it’s about looking at something sitting in corner so small that nobody is looking at it
6) taiji is yin yang ,
And for every yin yang ,
Create another yin yang to match
Create ,
2 set of bypass ,
That’s called yin is rooted in yang and yang is rooted in yin
7) stretch , no retreat in move, horizontal to vertical,
8) every body part move 1mm makes 10mm. It’s difficult to move 1 part 10 mm
9) pair exercise , equal vs over. Difference is Only one notch. To go over the Key is rest of body doesn’t move.
10) you need to know when you are over the other side, don’t use power unless you are already on the other side
11) change the dot without touching the dot – switching

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陈式太极拳第十九代传人(亦作11代),陈式太极拳实用拳法海外掌门人,陈式混元太极拳二代传人。1979年起从洪均生宗师习陈氏太极拳实用拳法,1996年起从冯志强宗师习陈氏混元太极拳,为两位宗师入室弟子。 拳、剑、刀、杆俱精,推手技击出神入化,常发人于无形,堪称观止。生徒遍及近百三十国家地区,著述及译著丰富。
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