“TOMAR20-4 阴阳(英文)”在线视频购买

Master Chen Zhonghua’s Mar. 2020 Toronto Workshop.讲解: 陈中华   片长: 9 分钟   语言: English 英文   年代: 2020  难度:2/5  地:多伦多陈中华太极教学

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“TOMAR20-4 阴阳(英文)”在线视频购买》上有 19 条评论

  1. 7:32 Master Chen showed an application drill that required us to connect our front elbow with the rear heal to provide a line without nothing trapped in the middle (chest). When we kick the rear heel, the impact must be felt at the front elbow.

    7:32 陈老师展示了一个用法练习,该练习要求我们将前肘与后脚跟连成一条线,力不会被困在中间(胸部)的线。当我们踩后脚跟时,必须在前肘的对拉(但前肘自己是没有作的)。

  2. 6:01 If Master Chen’s right hand was placed in front of the opponent’s chest, he would only have access to the opponent’s arm. If the opponent came in with the whole body, Master Chen wouldn’t be able to do anything with the opponent’s arm only because the arm was too small.

    6:01 如果陈老师的右手只放在对手的胸前,他将只能控制对手的手臂。如果对手全身都进来,那么陈老师就只能因为手臂太小而无法做任何事情。

  3. 5:08 Master Chen asked the audience what he did to have a hold on the opponent. No body in the audience was able to answer correctly. He put his right hand behind the opponent, and his left hand on the front side of the opponent’s left arm. The opponent now looked like a board, and he touch both sides of the board. After he gave out the answer at 5:43, I went back to 5:08 to see it again. It was like he revealed a magic that nobody sees.

    5:08 陈老师问观众学生如何控制对手。学生中没有人能够正确回答。他将右手放在对手的背后,而左手放在对手左臂的前侧。对手现在看起来像一块木板,他触摸了木板的两侧。他在5:43说出答案后,我回到5:08再看一次。就像他揭示了一个没人能看到的魔法。

  4. 2:17 The perfect hold of an object, e.g. the opponent’s arm, is considered crisp. Master Chen worked with a line, and he does not really see as the opponent’s arm. This is why it does not matter which body part or position it is. They all more or less look the same. To hold that line, we need to be on the opposite sides of the line.

    2:17 完美的物的操控,被认为是脆。陈老师实际控制一条线,他并不注视那是对方的哪个身部位。这就是为什么无论是哪个身部位或位置都不重要。要保持该线,我们需要控制该线的相反两侧。

  5. 1:17 For a technical discussion, it is easier to always refer an object to be yin, and the action to be yang, so that we are always consistent. However to reach a high level, we will need to be able to switch them, and reverse the thinking.

    1:17 对于技术讨论,总是将死物称为“阴”,将作称为“阳”,以便我们始终保持一致。但是,要达到更高的水平,我们将需要能够对调它们并扭转思维。
