讲解: 陈中华 片长: 8 分钟 语言:英语 年代: 2015 难度:2/5 地点:印尼雅加达陈中华太极拳馆
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Personal Note: A bow itself curves, but we work with it like an invisible straight line between the ends of the bow, much like the open triangle concept.
7:42 Master Chen followed the opponent’s path of action, and added one (a little more) on that path, causing the opponent to fall forward.
7:42 陈老师顺着对手的动作的方向路线,并在这条路线上加一点,指对方向前倒。
7:22 Master Chen demonstrated how to borrow the opponent’s power. When the opponent powered up, he didn’t power up himself, he followed the opponent’s action and led him to the ground instead.
7:22 陈老师展示了如何借力。当对手使劲时,陈老师没有使劲对抗,而是随着对手的动作,将他引向地面。
6:52 Master Chen instructed to use multiple sequential actions tto complete a rotation. If one segment of action is not sufficent, we lock it there and make sure that we don’t retreat, set up again and continue. We repeat the sequence until the job is done. If we can‘t fix the top, it is like we don’t tie up the opponent tight enough, the opponent will be able to go away.
6:52 陈老师指示学生使用多节的动作来完成整个旋转。如果一节动作幅度不足,完成这节动作后,锁住在那地方,并确保不倒退,调教后再继续。我们重复这步骤,直至完成整个动作。如果我们不能固定住对方上身,好像我们绑死对手,对手就可以走开。
6:17 We can see clearly that the student was moving his arms, the relative position to his chest was changed. This is our common issue.
6:17 我们可以清楚地看到学生正在移动胳膊,相对胸部的位置发生了变化。这是我们一个普遍的问题。
4.52 Pay attention to the position of Master Chen’s arms relative to his chest, they didn’t change. The waist caused the chest along with the arms to move together as one piece. If this fixed part is a car, the car itself does not change, you just drive it.
4.52 注意陈老师的胳膊相对于他胸部的位置,它们相对的关系没有改变。腰部使上半身一起动。如果此固定部份是汽车,车身架构没有改变,您只需开走它即可。
1:55 A bow is striaght, but we rotate it without changing the shape of the bow. We must use something outside of the bow to rotate it.
1:55 弓是直的,但我们在不改变弓形的情况下旋转那把弓。我们必须用弓以外的东西或方法来旋转它。
1:36 1st bow: Master Chen’s right hand to his right shoulder, 2nd bow: Master Chen’s right shoulder to his right knee. 3rd bow: Master Chen’s left foot to left shoulder (and then to left hand).
1:36 第一把弓:陈老师的右手到右肩,第二把弓:陈老师的右肩到右膝。第三把弓:陈老师的左脚到左肩(然后到左手)。
1:10 1st bow: Master Chen’s right hand to the opponent’s right elbow (Master Chen’s dantian). 2nd bow: Master Chen’s dantian to his left knee. Master Chen then added a rotation while keeping the bows.
1:10 第一把弓:陈老师的右手到对手的右肘(陈老师的丹田)。第二把弓:陈老师的丹田到他的左膝。然后,陈老师在保持了两把弓形的情况下加了旋转。
1:05 In the future, we used small actions when engaged with the opponent.
1:05 将来我们与对手交手时会用一些实际小的动作。
0:18 Master Chen talked about 5 bows. In the demonstration, he showed 3 bows: right hand to left elbow, right knee to left shoulder, head to left knee. The first 2 bows locked up the opponent, the third caused a rotation.
0:18 陈老师讲了五弓。在演示中,他展示了三把弓:右手到左肘,右膝盖到左肩,头到左膝盖。前两把弓锁住了对手,第三把弓启动了旋转。
2020年8月1日星期六上午8:00 (中国时间),何家伟教练带领我们来学习《私课1-雅加达2015》这个视频。