

我根据我的练拳实践总结了以下几。仅供参考。 How to practice practical boxing effectively , according to my practice,I summarized the following points


I. Practice scheduling早晨:In the moring:5:00起床,打卡:打开实用拳法网站:shiyongqanfa,cn,输入“练拳记录”不要给自己太高的要求,早晨时间短暂,可以称之为“黄金时间“”:Get up at 5:00, punch: open the website url : shiyongqanfa,cn, input “boxing practice record” ,do not give yourself too high requirements, the morning time is short and be called “prime time “:练习内容:练一趟有质量的一路,分别练习基本功:20个正反圈+拧毛巾+提水+大小六封四闭一套下来40分钟。不耽搁回家吃早餐和上班。Practice content: practice a quality along the way, respectively practice basic skills :20 positive and negative circles ,twist towel ,liufengsibi ,40 minutes. Go home for breakfast and work .

中午时间:In the noon在午饭后,用15分钟看师父陈中华的抖音视频(抖音号1156944415),要养成午休的好习惯。午休休息15-25分钟。多了不宜。After lunch, use 15 minutes to watch master Chen Zhonghua’s shaking audio and video (shaking sound number 1156944415), to form a good habit of lunch break. lunch break 15-25 minutes.

晚上时间:In the evening晚饭尽量少吃,日出而作日入而息。晚上尽量静态学习视频及学习实用拳法英语-英语老师Linda会根据实用拳法英语词汇同时解析实用拳法中的作词汇,理解作更深刻(英语老师微信EXceL1168)Eat as little as possible for dinner. Try to learn video in the evening and learn practical boxing English-English teacher Linda according to the practical boxing English vocabulary at the same time to analyze the practical boxing movement vocabulary, understand the movement more deeply (English teacher WeChat EXceL1168)二、要坚持完成的事儿。Second, we must stick to the work done

.坚持每周学习一个师父的视频,通过青云教练购买,然后模仿自己做出来。通过研究师父的视频加深对作理解。Insist on learning a weekly master video, buy through Qingyun coach, and then imitate yourself to do it. Through the study of master’s video to understand the actiondeepen.

坚持每个月写一篇学习心得可以使一句话,也可以是一篇文字。Persisting in writing a learning article every month ,or a sentence or a text.

坚持每年去几次大青山大青山陈旭韩瑞等等教练改拳,也可以找距离自己近的教练去拜访学习促进自己进步和 找不足。Insist on going to Daqingshan several times a year, find Daqingshan Chen Xu, Han Rui and other coaches to change boxing, visite the coach nearby to promote their own progress and find deficiencies.

坚持参加各种比赛,锻炼自己的心态,每一次比赛你都能在哪个无形中增加自己的拳艺大有进步。Insist on participating in all kinds of competitions,it can increase their boxing skills have made great progress.

坚持积极推广实用拳法:实用拳法是一种看得见的拳。看得见的力,看得见结构。去年我去东营跟张兰教练学习时就瞬间对实用拳法有了一个概念那就是:太极拳实用拳法能说出来,能看得到,能摸得着,实用拳法人一站在那里就是一个整:它有框架有棱角,结构轮廓鲜明。Adhere to the active promotion of practical boxing: practical boxing is a visible boxing. visible force, visible structure. Last year, when I went to Dongying to study with coach Zhang Lan, I had a concept of practical boxing in an instant: Taijiquan practical boxing can be said, can be seen, can be touched, practical boxing legal person standing there is a whole: it has a frame with corners, the structure sharp outline.

三、听师父说怎样坚持。 Howtoinssitant师父说过了怎样坚持下去:任何干扰练拳的事情都是魔障。无论是有没有钱,还是现在搭建的平台,目的就是为了练拳。想想陈全师兄,想想潍坊刘宝军想想莱芜高兴平想想大青山各位教练哪一位不是行拳路上的苦行僧。Master said how to persist: anything that interferes with boxing practice is a magic barrier. Whether there is money or not, or the platform built now, the purpose is to practice boxing. Think of brother Chen Quan, think of Weifang Liu Baojun think Laiwu happy Ping think of Daqingshan coaches which is not the ascetic on the road.

当然,最重要的一:要心怀善念:坚定跟随师父陈中华走下去,坚持实用拳法之路,多建设和开发新的拳场及推广中心,多培养新的实用拳法助理教练,这样实用拳法才能越来越壮大练拳的队伍,学员多越容易发现自己的不足,才能在潜移默化中自己督促自己去进步和学习。每个拳种都是好的,只要你选择了 就一定坚定不移的练下去,一定会终会受益。Ofcourse, the most important point: to follow master chen zhonghua firmly, adhere to the road of practical boxing, more construction can develop new boxing field and promotion center, more training of new practical boxing assistant coach, so that practical boxing can grow more and more the team of practicing boxing, the more students can easily find their own shortcomings, in order to imperceptibly urge themselves to progress and study. Every kind of boxing is good, as long as you choose will be determined to practice, will eventually benefit.

人生一世,草木一秋”用草木比喻人的一生,是指人的一生有得意荣华,也有失意的枯枝.生命是相对短暂的 如浮云苍狗,白驹过隙,枝上有花直许摘,莫待白了少年头.让我们不负韶华,坚定地去练习和推广实用拳法吧。Life, vegetation autumn “with vegetation metaphor of a person’s life, refers to the life of a proud Rong Hua, but also frustrated withered branches. Life is relatively short such as floating clouds of the dog, foal over the gap, branches have flowers straight to pick, do not wait for white juvenile head. Let us live up to the time, firmly to practice and promote practical boxing bar.

均生太极文化发展俱乐部暨博兴陈中华太极馆    张召臻     2020年4月9日


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上班族_练习实用拳法练习手册(中英文版)》上有 2 条评论

  1. 最好自己在家或者家附近找个对方练,如果你开车或者骑车去,来回都要15~20分钟,早上时间宝贵不能浪费交通时间。不是说不和别人交流,一周交流一两次就行,可以节约时间,一个人练 不会谈天,又节约时间,这样效率就高了。

  2. 总结的很好,能不能提个建议,在大青山基本功是50个一组,拧毛巾提水六封四闭,正反圈。然后在连续6趟一路
