Todd Elihu 伊利休-美国

I am Todd Elihu of Athens, Georgia, USA. I have been learning the Practical Method and studying under Master Chen Zhonghua since 2002. I have a Master of the Arts of Teaching degree from the University of Georgia and serve as a middle school social studies teacher.

I am interested in pedagogical and learning theories and how they intersect with the teaching and learning of the Practical Method, as well as pedagogical methods that may be unique to the transmission of the Practical Method.

2005年在美国乔治亚州亚特兰大市郊 Merietta 弟子大卫・希尔本后院给弟子讲拳。左起:伊利休、里查德、陈中华、希尔本(站立者)、卡尔。


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