Daniel Mroz, Ph.D. 丹尼尔・莫拉滋 博士
Director of Fine Arts Programs, Associate Professor
Department of Theatre, University of Ottawa
My name is Daniel Mroz. Professionally, I am Associate Professor in the Department of Theatre at the University of Ottawa, in Ottawa, Canada. I am the director of our practical, fine arts programs, which are a Master of Fine Arts in Directing and a Bachelor of Fine Arts in acting.
I teach Taijiquan as part of the fundamental training of the acting and directing students under my care. In 2011 I published a book on the use of martial arts in performer training. Master Chen was very kind to provide a forward to this work, entitled the Dancing Word: https://brill.com/view/title/28207?rskey=QDYpcT&result=1
With colleagues from around the world, I’ve co-founded the new academic area of Martial Arts Studies, with a journal and an annual international conference. You can see a sample of the journal here: https://mas.cardiffuniversitypress.org
My current practical research investigates how Chinese martial movement training can allow creators in dance and theatre to experience direct perception of negative spaces and temporal intervals as a single material they can shape in their work. I realize this might sound esoteric! You likely all have had the experience of which I speak: my description of it is tailored to my field!
I look forward to meeting you all when we are able to travel again, and I wish you all the very best both personally and professionally.
Directeur des programmes pratiques, Professeur agrégé
Département de théâtre, Université d’Ottawa
Director of Fine Arts Programs, Associate Professor
Department of Theatre, University of Ottawa