Joints are special in Tai Ji movements 太极动作中关节的特别作用

太极作中关节的特别作用。 因为它们能,他们可以被看作固的或者流体的。你可以选择让一个关节(开/合/转),也可以让一个关节不动,作为你的刚性的结构中的一个固定点。



Joints are special in Tai Ji movements. They can be viewed as solid or fluid because they can move. You can choose to move(open/ close/ rotate) a joint or fix(lock) it as a dot or as part of your rigid structure.

In term of alignment, the joints are made to be on the line or aiming at it.
The joints make it possible for the hand to draw a positive circle without the hand moving and body tossing. Allow you to make one half of a circle with one set of joints and complete the other half by another set of joints.

You are frequently asked about your elbow position. Is it tied to the ribs? Driven by your Kua? Are you allowed to move your shoulder upwards or backwards?
Pay no attention on how beautiful your Form look. Instead, pay attention on how you move or don’t move your joints.


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Joints are special in Tai Ji movements 太极动作中关节的特别作用》上有 1 条评论
