“煞腰压肘类动作(英文)20200716” 在线视频购买

陈中华老师2020年7月讲解煞腰压肘系列作的视频。讲解: 陈中华   片长: 9 分钟   语言:英语   年代: 2020  难度:3/5  地:加拿大爱民顿

日期:2020/07/25 星期六
时间:晚上10:00 (中国时间)



SWPE-Category Movements
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In the Practical Method system, we have categories of the  types of movements . today, I’m going to talk about one category, that is, that includes turning flowers out of the bottom of the sea, which is roughly this postureand the 搬拦捶, the fist of the lifting and blocking, and the also the move here is called the 煞腰压肘, sink the waist to press elbow and in motion when your jump go like this, it’s called the 裹身鞭, and the whip wrapping around the body, so these 4 moves belong to the same category.


and all of these belong to the same category in the, also in the sense that it belongs to the type of movement, like a propeller, and you squeeze and rotate the core, and the propellers will rotate.


So, for example, the tourney flowers out of the bottom to see, we start from here, and by rotate the core here, and the 2 propellers are shaped in this positions will turn like this. so the core action is that inside rotates, causing the outside the 2 arms are considered like the 2 blades on the propeller to rotate to create a physical action.


the other I just want to mention for comparison, the other type of movements in practical method, it’s like an auger. that also shaped like a propeller, but you hold the 2 bars outside.  the bar for horizontal bar, when you rotate the bar, the middle core actually rotate, this like  Canadian fishing, ice fishing, so the auger is called to lock the middle and rotate the outside


the activity, the type of movement we are talking about relating to these 4 movements are the opposite. It’s called lock the outside and move the inside. And so this is like a propeller.

这种运和刚才说的那四种运,是相反的。这叫做定住两头动中间 就像螺旋桨一样。

 It looks like the outside is moving like this, but it totally does not move, you totally lock,  and only rotate, rotate, rotate and then you release.

so these are the key features of how these moves are done. See, for example, here you go like this here and find a position, and then use the waist rotation to cause it, or here, here, here, and then go,  the move is here



and the move is here, and the fist of lifting and blocking, it’s not like this, it’s actually leave it here, find roughly position by rotating here, it goes like this, it comes from here, first  the movement might toss it and graze it, the move is only a rotation rotation, like this, causing it to go.


and of course, our body is not a machine that when you’re doing it, the concept has to be strictly, and here and two, but when you’re moving, the blade the arms themselves must adapt without structural change. So if you’re doing this here, you cannot do this and you cannot do this,  because it breaks the energy, but you adapt .

so it has the adaptation, normally, it’s not a structural  change its rotational change. So when you rotate something you never actually displace space. so by that rotation,  the energy can actually transmit, otherwise your energy is like this.


适应型,不是说结构上的变化,是说旋转性上的变化。当你rotate 旋转什么东西,你从没有真正的移动空间。通过这种旋转,能量可以传递,否则能量是这样的(到处散落)

so now let me go through the 4 moves and roughly give an idea. So the first one here is from single whip here,  and you drop , drop, drop, go, go, go, once you‘re roughly here, the torso rotates this way, and the arms goes that way. Once you’re here ,go.

and once you can do it properly you add a lot of speed velocity, to create move that looks almost like this.

so this is 搬拦捶,the fist of carrying lifting and blocking.




turning flowers out of the bottom of the sea,  most of the time is in this direction so you put your arms here,  i’ll turn this way,  this was on the top of where the ear is,  and this one is on top of your knee here. by rotating here ,it comes to here.


if I do more of a relaxed movement, here, it looks here, power is here rotating like this causing it. But it starts when your whole posture is in the right positions. these are all not related not related, once ok, almost related, ha!  and also causes from here it causes this here, the two arms switch, this one goes down this one goes up, and by doing that, you are trying to cut something  between here, or you can flip it like that.


and when this is done, and you’re rotating here to create this move here, the power from the dantian pushes to your foot, and that push caused the head to go up, so you cannot do it like this, it’s actually like this, like this pushes up, and then cause it here.

so it’s 4 ways, 2 is here,and 2 is here, and by the arm, the 2 ways is moving like this, while moving it has stretches, in the end it’s here. so this is turning flowers out of the bottom of the sea.



 the next one here is guoshenbian, the whip wrapping around the body, I just roughly move it late, but it’s actually here, you step, and then go, like this here. it looks like this here, so I do it in the stationary way here. So it’s you go here.

so it’s you go here, and then you set it up almost here, and now you rotate here.  as you rotate your arm that your right arm, here, it turns from this position, gradually  to this position, but by the time you finish, because of the turn, it’s over here.

and this one here as you go like that, you turn like this, as you’re finished it goes here.

So it looks like this, but everything comes out of here.





 so it’s still.  the reason we use the name training flowers out of the bottom of the sea, it refers to its from inside, open up like this,  it’s this move here.

So in this case,I’ll refer to giving a image analogy of 2 gears, when you have 2 gears, one type of movement is from the inside, it turns like this. so, like 2 gears turning like this.

and all the 4 activities we’re talking about are based on this method of moving. The other method is this way, so when you reverse and turn in this way, it’s the trying to power the outside, and the energy goes inside into the core. And these types of movements we‘re talking about today, you’re moving in a way that the energy is from the Core goes out to the outer then.




so this one is form here, push downward, and if I don’t use my hands, it’s here pushing down to the feet,  as your rotate, as you do that, it goes up here like this, but of course, it’s here, when it’s  restricted , but it is this movement is not allowed, the release is on your arms, and then indent your chest, it looks like it’s going down, but its this opening, open up the sides.

所以这个动作是向下推。如果我不用手,可以看到是从这儿(丹田)向下推到脚上。你做这个的时候还在转,蹬到了头上,就像这样的。但是这里是受限的,头顶不可以起来,这个动作是不允许的,所以释放就在手上。 同时要缩进胸,看起来是向下了,但是这里(胯)是开的,向两边打开。


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