“一路前十三式的用力重点 20200717”在线视频购买

陈中华老师用英文讲解一路前13个作的用力。讲解: 陈中华   片长: 7 分钟   语言:英语   年代: 2020  难度:4/5  地点: 加拿大埃德蒙顿

课题:一路前十三式用力重点 https://www.zhenbudong.cn/archives/114622
日期:2020/08/01 星期六
时间:晚上10:00 (中国时间)


Yilu 13 Moves Power Points 20200717
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In this mini video here,I want to talk about the focal points and also where the power is for the first 13 moves of the Chen Style Taijiquan Practical Method.


So this is totally not instructional. If you want to learn how to make these moves or the proper way of doing these moves, and the sequences, you must learn it from the instructional video. This is only talking about a certain aspect.

所以这不是教学。 如果你想学习如何以正确的方法和顺序做这些作,你必须从教学视频里去学。在这里我们只谈某些发力

And when I single out the focal point, the power, where the power is, and the stress points of each move, it relates to applications, relates to instructional sequences , all of that, but the focal point is that where the power is .


So first move here, Buddha’s Warrior Attendant Pounds Mortar. See from here the first move,  your two hands must have something to grab, secure and get hold of your opponent. Then the power is on the two elbows doing this, once you get hold of your appointment, it moves here.


So the beginning, you want to feel how it comes in here, and then this is not long enough, because when you do this will give you a feeling that you are actually withdraw, because otherwise you’re like this, you don’t know you actually have pull him in it, 1’17”1’20”but this gives you a turkey here.

Once you understand how  you move here, and then you turn to give you more distance like this here, this is the first move here.

And once you know how to do it, you actually want to use the same move to through the power back, it’s like this




the next is once you are here, your opponent comes in , you are still holding him ,or not tighty  but loosely ,but your Kick right here,

and this kick here can be lowered to the foot to the ankle area, or a little bit higher to the knee here.

and if you happen to do this here, better do a split



And once e you’re lying here, and this is still blocking, either, you grab him, you block him, you have physical contact with him, this one comes up,comes up directly in the groin area and then goes up here. so it’s like this here


and the last part is you imagine this here, so you grab his wrist and blocked his elbow here and then bang him down and squeeze like this here . And when you do that you go,use here for power,don’t just do that.

so this is Buddha’s Warrior Attendant Pounds Mortar


so this is Buddha’s Warrior Attendant Pounds Mortar. so when you do it, I’ll show the rest I won’t show them this one just show you.   in the form, you go light, and then go .  and then get ready, ready, ready,ha  like that. So this is how you can continue with this sequence, but then put the focal point where your power is that relates more directly to the applications


 to the next move, split here the focal move is, you grab and pull your opponents arm in, like tear, they’re as powerful as possible, but not with hear it’s with the here


3’26”3’31”As you do this you stay coat, and then ,at this point you should actually ,when you’re here ,you go, like that.


Six sealing four closing here,  and then here you can go,  at the beginning, put the focal point, and use whole body power


 Single whip here, as you turn, learn this here. And then whip it, this here is the handle, and this is the whip. and this ,throw.

Once you’re here , turn here ,and this moves here,here, and then that’s also a pull.

they’re  similar



so the next move here is, you imagine you’re fighting like this, somehow you can put your foot and the trap one of his feet you go split.  and then low,this is .

下一个动作,你想象一下你在这样,把你的脚放进去,圈套住对手的两脚中的一个,然后这样拉开让对手的身形分裂开。  然后可以放低一些,这样发力

The white crane ,I’ll go little  beside way, for you to see. this way is too frontal. this is block, on the block you hit him on here,  over there. this is light, because you can change direction, you can be anywhere.

power ,power ,(split)




brush the knee , the main  him is push, propel  5分十秒没听懂。after that, it’s as you go like thisclosing in, closing in


then after that, walk obliquely   it’s actually right now, its initial closing on the initial closing is here, this here has to go out this  feeling


once you’re up ,kick, the next move is here, no move, don’t fight like this, stay here, use here, and then you can go, this is grab on the elbowelbow on the elbowand lock his arm straight use her. Its not form here ,form here.



once we’re here as we do this here towards the end, when your hand either front or back touch your opponent, use the kua to push


I’m going to come back here. This is a Fetch water, whole part, touching your opponent, its first sticky leaning on not really lean like that, but the sticky patch, and then split here.

the next one, the power is on the finger tips , you have to use all of your real end, this is totally street, you can not make this move  its from here ,it’s .647秒没听懂。



 and this one here, lock hard, lock a real foot of hard, only rotate here that way


and then from the middle arm pit and   here, split this way close in elbow  and two s come inas if everything joins and then splitthen join again on this sideturn to this side and then get ready ,use here ,to propel,move is very small .


and I’m from here, go here, big move, like yanking the power balance is there will take from here, same thing here, punch, come back here



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“一路前十三式的用力重点 20200717”在线视频购买》上有 24 条评论

  1. 7:19 The Fist of Covering Hand
    1) Both elbows come in on the right half horse stance. Turn to the left to go to left half horse stance.
    2) Put the fists into position. Use dantian to propel the right fist forward. There is a split between the right hand and the right foot.

    7:19 掩手肱捶

  2. 6:56 Second Closing
    1) Rotate the left shoulder to change the direction of the left hand. The left hand and the right foot from a stick.
    2) Left armpit goes down while the left kua comes up to split the line between the left hand and right foot.

    6:56 再收

  3. 5:45 Walk Obliquely in Twist Steps
    1) Use the right hand to grab the opponent’s hand. Put our right elbow against the opponent’s elbow. Do not power with the right arm itself. Once the right arm is tied up with the opponent hand and locked on to ourselves, it does not move anymore, use the dantian to effect the rotation. This is an example of indirect power.
    2) At the point where two hands are out, as if they touch the opponent, lock them, use the kua to push and squeeze out the hands.
    3) Fetch water: Lock the whole body, use the front kua to split.
    4) With the left arm straight and locked, use our back side (what is behind the front knee) to pump/shoot towards to the left finger tips.

    5:45 斜行拗步

  4. 5:09 Brush the knee in Oblique Stance
    1) Press down the right foot to propel the left heel out.
    2) Once we reach half horse stance, at the brush knee part, the left arm is like knife against the left thigh (chopping board) to take out the space in between.

    5:09 搂膝拗步

  5. 4:24 White Crane Spreads its Wings
    1) Use power to split the right hand against the right foot at the right shoulder.
    2) Use power to split the right hand and the left hand when we spread our wings. The split must be supported by the right foot on the ground, while the left foot is light to allow easy direction change of the split of the wings.

    4:24 白鹤亮翅

  6. 3:46 Single Whip
    1) At the exchange of hands part, use the whole body to squeeze each hand out.
    2) Lock the right hand, use the dantian as the handle, open the right kua to create a whip at the right hand.
    3) Throw the left hand out against right foot.

    3:46 单鞭

  7. 3:10 Block Touching Coat
    1) After both hands are open, the right hand holds on to the opponent, the power is at the elbow to do elbowin. At the same time, the right heel goes out.
    2) After you get back to half horse stance, right hand and left foot stretch against each other with the right shoulder-kua line as the middle.

    3:10 拦擦衣

  8. 0:50 Buddha’s Warrior Attendant Pounds Mortar
    1) The two hands anchor on the opponent, i.e. not moving. The power is at the elbow pulling against the anchor points. At first, just do elbow-in. Adding a rotation increases the distance. At the end, through the same move, the incoming power hits a wall and is returned to throw the opponent backwards.
    2) Anchor on the right foot. Left foot kick can aim at the opponent’s ankle or knee. The front kick is matched by the elbow-ins going backwards to create a stretch.
    3) After the right foot comes forward, there is a split between the right hand and one of the feet. The left hand was expected to have a hold on or in contact with the opponent. The right hand goes up from the opponent’s groin area.
    4) For the pound mortar part, our right hand locks the opponent’s right wrist, our left hand blocks the opponent’s right elbow. Use our dantian (not just our arm) to squeeze our right hand down to our left hand.
    5) We integrate these power points into the form training to allow us to have a focus more directly on applications.

    0:50 金刚捣碓
    1) 双手紧握着对方不动。力在肘,收肘。首先,只收肘。加上旋转,距离便曾加。最后,以同样的作,顺着让来力撞墙,然后反弹,把对方往后扔。

  9. 几处没听懂的:
    1,1’17”到1’20”,but this gives you a ? here.
    2,3’26”到3’31”,As you do this you stay ? .
    3,5分十秒, brush the knee , the main ? is push,
    4,6分47秒,you have to use all of your ?, this is totally straight。

    我们常说汉语尤其古文“言简意赅”,我感觉英文在描述作方也很简省,并且准确。比如在本视频里,老师多次说了 split这个词,练习上下文,可以感觉到这个词对应的汉语包含了 对拉,撑开,使得对方的结构裂开、分裂等几层。其他词、短语也有类似的感觉,有机会多看老师的英文视频。
