- In the sales post, create a special sales category to sell physical objects such as calligraphy and swords, etc.
Numbers will create control over inventory. - Is it easy to create a function to make to do lists?
All I need is:
1. Title of event
2. Note area (text) of the event
3. Date made. Date to be accomplished.
4. Priority levels
5. On accomplishment date a pop up choice of clicking on finished to make the item go off the list, or click to extend date to new date.
The way a finished item disappears can be that we make it go to the bottom of the list and make it dim/grey. All the greyed list can be listed by dates. - You mentioned that you had the function of multiple menus that will work automatically with the user login. Could you elaborate on that?
I think something like that will work better for all users as they will be loggin into a more customized menu for efficiency. - A function that can make a post sticky “time sensitive”. Currently a sticky can make a post stay on top till we physically cancel the sticky. We need an auto-function to make the sticky stay for 1 week. It’s like a auto post function.
Currently there is sticky and there is ability to schedule a post, which means control of publishing date but there is no expiry date. We don’t want a post to expiry totally, just expire from sticky, post on top of the list. - A re-occurring function for posts to appear again the same time next year. All we need is a function to make a post appear by Month-Date and ignore the year.
- A hot-list. A post with 2000 views, sold 50 copies, commented 40 times, will go into this list.
- The function to give a person editing ability without any other admin powers. This can be a one time only specific appointment. For example, I create an article and lick on who can edit to allow editing powers to that person or persons.
- A system that give the user 1 web dollar each time that person makes a comment. As the system requires admin approval currently for comments, this will not be mis-used.
- “太极理论1”视频 (强烈推荐)
- “太极理论1”视频购买 (强烈推荐)
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- “不要动!”视频 (强烈推荐)