

今天是荷兰太极公开赛的一次精彩的会议和比赛。我建立了新的联系,并与其他门派的选手者交流了很多。甚至收到了照片中学校的老师Clemens的邀请,去给他的学生们上课。多么荣幸啊!感到幸福、疲惫,感谢所有实用拳法家族和shifu Zhonghua Chen的指导和教导。定步、平行步和套路都得了第二名,也很好!!

Today was a fantastic meeting and competition at the Open Dutch Taiji Championships. I made new contacts and exchanged much with practitioners from other styles. And even got an invitition to come teach one day from Clemens, the teacher of the school on the photo. What an honour! Feeling blessed, tired and thanks to all the PM family and shifu Zhonghua Chen for guidance and teachings. Fixed Step, Parallel Step and Form all second places, also nice !!

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