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能在网上学习太极拳吗?》上有 6 条评论

  1. Carlos and Ricky

    Reading your experiences makes me realize how similar my trip has been. I came across a video of Master Chen on You Tube in December of 2012. It blew me away. I had already practiced a different form of the Yilu and also the long form of Yang Style since 1978. I was astounded by the amount of information Master Chen put in his video. I also purchased the Yilu detailed dvd, as well as the Energy Alignment DVDs and the Application set of DVDs. Since two years ago I have purchased approximately 150 videos. I have not watched many of them, but having access to so much information I felt that if I didn’t get them they might not be available. later. I spent four months or so learning the choreography of the PM Yilu, and 10 months after I started my solo studies I attended a two day seminar and had an hour and a half private lesson with Master Chen in October of 2013. I do not have anyone around me who is a PM practitioner, so I mainly work with my students who I had taught other styles of Taijiquan and we work together on the core principles, foundations and drills. I read, watch videos, work with my students and study as much as I can. The videos were invaluable in preparing me for the first seminar. Although I had misunderstood some of the concepts, I got a lot more out of the seminar than I would have if I had not studied videos first. I tend to check videos at least a few times a week, if not more, but it is the daily practice that is transforming my yilu. I very much envy those students who have a support group around them, and those students who are blessed to have Master Chen come to their area on a regular basis. If needed, I might have to figure out how to pay for a trip to Phoenix this coming fall to take another seminar. As it is I don’t see any seminars planned for the northern California area. It has been a fascinating experience to come across Master Chen’s teachings, and at the beginning of December I took on the yilu challenge of doing 20 a day. I’ve had to take a few days off here and there since the challenge, due to injuries from a motorcycle accident that have still not healed properly, but I average at least 500 yilus a month even with the occasional day off. I love the PM brother/sister/hood, and I feel like I’ve won the Taijiquan lottery by coming across this information. Happy Yilus to everyone.

  2. I don’t often post or comment because I am still a beginner and cannot offer much insight on many subjects. However, learning from videos is something I feel confident about so I thought I would share my experience here. I started learning Yilu from ‘Yilu Detailed’ back the US May of 2012, when I purchased hard disk copies of all 4 Energy Alignment, 4 disk Applications set, Foundations, as well as Erlu videos from Wilkin (PM Website Admin), had them sent to me via mail. That may seem like a lot to purchase at one time, but my Intention was not learn from them right away. I simply was highly motivated after seeing Master Chen’s ‘Recommended Yilu’ on You Tube, and I knew I finally found the system I had been searching for.

    I practiced only from the ‘Yilu Detailed’ until I could perform the basic choreography in about three months. I started on the energy alignment there after and that took me all the way through my moving to Beijing to get through (one year), on a basic level. It wasn’t until May of 2013 I meet Master Sun in Beijing, then Master Chen and Tim Duehring in June, that I had a chance to experience learning PM in person. I must say that the information contained in the videos is so complete, full of great knowledge and so in-depth that I still reference them every week over two years later, and I still learn something new every time. I happen to own almost a hundred DVD’s collected over a 15 year period on Weng Chun, Wing Tsun, Yang Taiji, and Chen Taiji, amongst various other Chinese systems. I hold my PM videos at the top, and haven’t looked at any other system or videos since I started. I rate them so high because of the obvious vast knowledge contained in them, but also because learning from them is relatively easy compared to many other produced videos I own, for a few different reasons.

    A. Master Chen makes a conscious accurate effort to perform the forms in the intended directions (North, South, East, West etc).
    B. His knowledge and way of description to a native English speaking person is as highly understandable (a very key point for me).
    C. The audio and video quality is clear and precise, DVD menus are easy to navigate, and the online videos stream very well.

    I have practiced PM with the Beijing PM group under Master Sun Zhonghua’s direction, for 1 Year and 7 months, plus the year learning from the videos. I have been to DQS mountain 6 times (each time only a week or two) along with having attended several Chinese seminars with MC. I feel that if I did not start with the videos, I would have been so much further behind, and not had any idea for what to expect when I started in person. Of course as many state, learning in person, and feeling from the instructor is the best way to learn. However the is no better supplement for me than the videos, when no live instructor is present, because you simply cannot remember everything, and repeated learning over time is the only way to truly digest a principle or concept. I now practice Yilu, Erlu, Push Hands & Straight Sword all of which I started with videos, then transferred to in person teaching, and still reinforce daily with videos over a 2 year 7 month period, and will continue to do so.

    So, if your just beginning PM or have studied for many years, I highly recommend owning many of the videos this website offers. If your like me, and love the hard copies, know they come well protected in nice sleeves and have great printing on the top sides. I like them because often I am away from Wifi access and can study anywhere with my computer/DVD player. I have since purchased a vast amount of online videos to which I reference everyday. I am never disappointed and super grateful that these videos are produced and affordable. My collection continues to grow, as does my knowledge of PM, thanks to these videos and this website.

    Ricky Gene Pietila
    Beijing Rick

    • Carlos Hanson January 20, 2015 at 7:51 am [edit]

      Thanks for adding your experience. A YouTube clip of Single Whip is what made me investigate the Practical Method in more detail. When I purchased my first video (Yilu Detailed Instructions) I found that Master Chen provides more information than I have found in any other video. I also found that Single Whip clip.

      With each new one he works to explain what he knows in ways that we can understand. Whenever I notice something new in my practice, it seems a video shows up talking about that very thing.

      I say get the videos. Start practicing. Go to a seminar. I also think that order is valuable. You will have a base of knowledge at the seminar and experience from which to work. When you return to the videos, you will find more than you first realized. You won’t be disappointed.

  3. 大卫,感谢捉住重加以扩展。 第一天讲座后, 我立刻意识到我知道的太少。可是,我学太极绝对不是在乎一朝一夕的。

  4. I agree… in the absence of good teacher nearby, I would think the DVD or trailer and videos from this website is a great source to make a start. A lot of things are covered in the instructions and other videos, all that limit our success is ourselves. I am particularly weak when it comes to flexibility or speed, as well as weak at memorizing the sequences… so having a rewind button with a DVD player is an absolute must for me……

    And yet after meeting with Master Chen, there are many little things and major things that are mentioned in the videos but would not be understood unless we learn it from him directly. He said, “GM Hong touched hands with GGM Chen Fake, it means he touched hand with all the previous masters that “HANDED DOWN” the transmission to GGM Chen Fake”. I am happy to have touched hand with Master Chen Zhonghua because it means I was also handed down the transmission received by GM Hong. So many things to learn but only for my limited ability that I cannot yet achieve it. Still need to practice more and learn more from Master Chen Zhonghua.


  5. I started learning the Practical Method from video in February of this year (2011). Because I had studied Chen Style Taijiquan since 2006 and did not have a Practical Method teacher in my area, I thought I could learn from the wealth of information and videos available on the Practical Method website.

    My first videos were the Basic Foundations and Yilu (First Routine) Detailed Instructions. I have since bought the Energy Alignment videos and various Mini Lessons. I also recommend Yilu Corrections.

    Everything I have read and watched has been very useful. The instructions enabled me to quickly learn the choreography of Yilu and helped me understand some of the details of the Practical Method.

    All this is well and good. However, it is one thing to watch the examples of the Practical Method in a video. It is completely enlightening to feel the examples applied to your own body.

    I felt that it was important to go to a seminar to physically validate what I understood from the videos. I quickly found out that I made the correct decision. During the Edmonton week long seminar Master Chen manipulated and aligned my posture in such a way that I had a stronger structure. Naturally, it is up to me to continue to practice and work towards those ideals, so I can create the structure myself.

    During the seminar there were many things covered directly and indirectly that I had learned from the videos or the information provided on practicalmethod.com. There were additional discussions that added to my understanding and gave me a path to follow and improve.

    I used to think that you can learn Taijiquan on your own. However, it has taken many generations to get to this point. Each generation has transfered their learning to the next to continue and improve. This transmission is essential to learning Taijiquan. I now believe that I cannot learn it on my own.

    The videos were an excellent start. If that is all you have, do it. Follow them and learn. But also know that you will need a qualified teacher at some point to show you how to really move and demonstrate the depth of learning that is possible.
