- 降气洗脏功。Lower the Qi to Cleanse Internally
- 三丹采气功。Gather the Qi to the Three Dantians
- 双手揉球功。Two-Hand Rub the Ball
- 三丹开合功。Three Dantians Open and Close
- 日月旋转功。Rotation of the Sun and Moon
- 环形伸缩功。Circular Extension and Contraction
- 单腿升降功。Single Leg Ascension and Descend
- 双腿升降功。Double Leg Ascension and Descend
- 大小磨盘功。Small and Grand Grinding
- 天地开合功。Heaven and Earth Open and Close
- 收气归丹功。Collecting the Qi to the Dantian
- 保健按摩功。Health Massages

- 混元太极刀(三十八式) (强烈推荐)
- 混元太极剑(四十八式) (强烈推荐)
- 混元二十四式炮捶 (强烈推荐)
- 缠丝功 (强烈推荐)