“Iowa 2018-4 陈中华美国爱荷华讲座英文”在线视频购买

讲解: 陈中华   片长: 8 分钟   语言:英语   年代: 2018  难度:1/5  地:美国爱荷华州

Iowa 2018-4 陈中华美国爱荷华讲座英文
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The only way to break the stick is to put it on two bricks and kick it like this. That’s everything we try to do. Change your habit until it’s always like that. Uh huh. Comes at me here. Here. Can you see that? So if you are strong, can you see that strength? I don’t move. I just rotate and this becomes vulnerable. If this is loose. He’s very strong there because there’s movement, and you can maneuver, but I pick you up. IT’s like I make your stick very stiff, and then I can do this.



So this is the requirements and actions for this move. Any questions? Q: So you rotate there? A: You come here and feel. Oh, put it here, yeah, there’s nothing. When you’re light I can just get you anywhere I want to. Be very strong. Ah, yeah, very strong, stronger. Put that hand on. Ah, and now that’s some strength. Okay? When there’s strength, can you see when I rotate, your body is popped. You feel that and see you’re totally open. If I don’t have this here, when I rotate whatever your power is, i’m able to do this with no movement.

就是这个作的要求。你们有问题吗?问:所以应该转哪儿? 答:你来这儿试试。把手放这儿。嗯?没力啊。如果你很松,我怎么打你都行。你力大。对,力要再大。另一只手也搭上来。啊,现在差不多。你的力很大的时候,我轻轻转一下,你的身就起来了。感觉到了吗?你已经门户洞开了。如果我没有这个,无论你的力再大,我都只用这样,没有的地方。


If you do this, IT’s no good. But can you see I never moved. That little bit of rotation makes your body go like this. Now you always look for this position. What’s that position? Pardon me? IT’s actually called you lost integrity. In fighting, you must maintain you are here. Can you see? But once you’re here, can you see you lost integrity? What’s integrity? You can feel your feet and your hands can still connect back to here. So now grab me. Um, hum, watch a little bit longer. Don’t pull me just ah that it.

如果你这样,那就不行了。看到了吧?我从来没过。就是那一点旋转会让你起来。现在你们要一直找这个位置。那个位置是什么?不好意思? 那个位置就叫丢了整劲交手的时候,你得守住现在这个位置。一旦你变成这样了,你发现了吗?你已经丢了整劲了。什么是整劲?你能感觉到你的手脚都是接在丹田上的。现在你抓住我的手。你们看清楚啊。长点。别拉我,啊对,就这样。


So your elbow in a little bit, no, into your chest. Ah that’s it. Now hold his head because his head moved. Go back with your elbow. No, no! Elbow. Relax. That’s it. Now pull your elbow. No no no! Your elbow! Pull your elbow! You’re pull your shoulder, pull your elbow, you’re pulling your shoulder, you are pulling your shoulder. I’ll show you the feeling. Watch you are pulling like this. Can you feel pulling the elbow? It does not feel the same. Grab his shoulder. Actually that’s pull it backward, but actually his shoulder. Don’t worry about his elbow. That’s good! I can feel the elbow immediately.



Yeah, watch now! Go! Stop there! Stop there! Stop there! I still have control. Everything is connected to here. Little bit more! At this point, I don’t have control anymore. Our fight is always looking for that position. Did you see that position? You use everything you can to put your opponent into this position. If he is still here, he is still connected. It’s called he has not fallen apart. You want him to fall apart before you strike him. Otherwise, when you strike him, you move him. His body becomes stronger. It means he still have ability.



Once you fall apart, you have no more ability. We must look for that position. So that move here. Uh huh. Can you see? Drop a little bit? Yeah. Can you see you have control? Right? You can feel that. Watch! You have no control. It’s a millimeter difference. Once I get you here, your feet, your two feet and two hands are not tied, not controlled by the center dantian anymore. And our fight is the same. So you touch me. You see, and here can you see he still has control. Look at his lower back and his front dantian.



Can you see he has control? So I use a special method, not a fighting method. I use… I showed on Levi… Open! Stretch! No fighting! This is fighting. Can you see he controls that. When I open it, can you see I open it, you have no more control. You see that now? Did you see that? Let’s do it on this side. You look at his back. See, right now, whatever I do, his center is still a center command. Un huh. Once I’m here, Can you see uh, your center is lost, right?



So I must always be aware of your center. When we touch, I’m not going to just touch him for the sake of here. Can you see? All here. But I touch him with this in mind. Did you feel that? To the touch, this is nothing, but when I do this, can you feel it went to your dantian. Every move is on your dantian! Not on just here. Aim! Otherwise it’s just peripheral. You must use any connection to touch your dantian. So next move…



关于 陈中华太极馆多伦多教练、青山教练何家伟

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“Iowa 2018-4 陈中华美国爱荷华讲座英文”在线视频购买》上有 10 条评论

  1. 6:00 When Master Chen touched the opponent, it was not random, he had the opponent’s centre in mind. He must aim at the opponent centre. In this case, he locked the outside, and stretched the inside to facilitate the aiming.

    6:00 当陈老师碰到对手时,这不是随意的,他牢牢注意着对手的中心。 他必须瞄准对手的中心。 在这种情况下,他定住了外部(两头),并拉开了内部(中间)以利于瞄准

  2. 3:40 Master Chen futher demonstrated what integrity meant. Our fight is always looking for the opponent’s position where integrity is lost. If we strike the opponent before reaching the point where he loses integrity, it makes him stronger.

    3:40 陈老师进一步示范了什么是完整性。 我们在交手中是要在寻找对手失去完整性的位置。 如果我们在对手失去完整性之前出手,这只会使他的劲用得上,变得更强。

  3. 1:47 If the opponent’s contact point is loose, we can get him anywhere we want. If the opponent’s contact point is strong, rotating at the contact points pops the opponent off the ground, this means that opponent lost integrity. We must always maintain integrity in fighting. Integrity is the ability to connect hands and feet back to dantian.

    1:47 如果对手的接触是松的,我们可以用以带它到任何地方。 如果对手的接触很紧,在接触旋转会使对手离地,即对手会失去完整性。 我们自己在对抗中必须保持完整性。 完整性是将手脚跟丹田连上的能力。

  4. 0:55 Master Chen demonstrated Front Trick and Rear Trick. If the opponent is strong at the contact point, stretch out the opponent by rotating at the contact point, hit the middle. Don’t fight at the contact point. Stretching the opponent is to make the stick very stiff, so the middle is vulnerable. If our contact (end) point is loose, the opponent’s middle is very strong.

    0:55 陈老师展示了前招后招。 如果对手在接触使劲,我们要在接触旋转拉开对手,并击打被拉开的那中间位置。 不要在接触点对抗。 展对手的目的是使那根棍僵硬不变形,因此中间很容易受伤。这是定住两头打中间的应用例子。 如果接触点(两头的其中一头)松开,对手的中间会仍然有劲。
