Vincent 赢得荷兰公开推手赛活步冠军

陈中华递贴学生Vincent 今天赢得荷兰公开赛。Today I became Open Dutch champion taiji moving step. Thanks to my effort, my students, of course my Practical Method elder brothers for their guidance and above all Grandmaster Chen Zhonghua for all he has taught me.
This price I would like to dedicate to my Elder disciple of choice to guide my discipleship aspirations:
Tim Duehring
Unfortunately he passed away recently, I miss you Tim

关于 陈中华

陈式太极拳第十九代传人(亦作11代),陈式太极拳实用拳法海外掌门人,陈式混元太极拳二代传人。1979年起从洪均生宗师习陈氏太极拳实用拳法,1996年起从冯志强宗师习陈氏混元太极拳,为两位宗师入室弟子。 拳、剑、刀、杆俱精,推手技击出神入化,常发人于无形,堪称观止。生徒遍及近百三十国家地区,著述及译著丰富。
统计: 904 总浏览,
