


  1. 第一看了他的十三式作基本可以。出手太高。和他说只有白鹤亮翅和金鸡独立两式手明显过头。其它不要。
  2. 拳中所有的作都不能使自己丢劲。更深的说就是打拳要带有掤劲。但我们现在先不说这样带总结性的话。只说具的。
  3. 所有的动作都要沿着一条线走,虽然一开始这样会影响动作的完成。


– ” the movement must not reduce the power”  i must not lose space by doing more movement
i draw the example you showed me by pushing you about movement and techniques, i wrote down: ” sometimes techniques seems to be executed so differently that they look actually different  techniques , but it is  a matter of practitioners level – I draw a design showing two spiral, the first one with big circles, the second one more like a one line, meaning that a same technique tend to become invisible to the eye once you start to master it

last note, about Peng nrj,

i designed an arm with each articulation, and and arrow passing by the center of each one, remembering when you pushed first my middle finger toward my wrist, then the forearm toward elbow then arm toward shoulder

sensation : passing nrj through articulation to carry from hand to foot

correction received: head back, dig shoulder and sternum , more connection with dantien, attack more with front kua

关于 陈中华

陈式太极拳第十九代传人(亦作11代),陈式太极拳实用拳法海外掌门人,陈式混元太极拳二代传人。1979年起从洪均生宗师习陈氏太极拳实用拳法,1996年起从冯志强宗师习陈氏混元太极拳,为两位宗师入室弟子。 拳、剑、刀、杆俱精,推手技击出神入化,常发人于无形,堪称观止。生徒遍及近百三十国家地区,著述及译著丰富。
统计: 643 总浏览,

给马西莫讲拳20190308》上有 2 条评论

  1. 不但初学者普遍存在这些问题,练了几年拳的也往往或多或少地有这些毛病。这三个问题解决了,拳的质量会有明显的提高。
