Shabar 是一个学习型的人,他的学拳认真程度深深地震撼着我,他不仅记笔记,而且特别喜欢问庞教练一些太极理论上的知识。 比如问到正圈时,胯是转还是不转,膝盖的开合,以及出手时,肘部如何开关节。
来自法国的麦克,目前在泰国工作,是一个健身教练,他对实用拳法也特别的着迷,在我们一起练习中,他对我也非常有帮助,告诉我如何控制自己的身体,特别是倒卷弘,那一式对我来说,45度的把握非常难, 在麦克的指导下,我克服了困难,最终学会了。

时间就这么一眨眼过去了, 我还真有点伤感,但还是高兴地宣布,他们纷纷表示明年会再来的。

I am an interpreter from Inner Mongolia, I continued to learn practical method for third time during the month of July .I felt honored to learn with Shabar from New York and Mike from France.
Shabar studies hard, and I was very impressed with his learning habits . He took a lot of notes , and also asked Coach Pang many questions about Taichi theory. For example, when performing the positive circle , Shabar wanted to make sure that he correctly understood whether or not the inner thigh (also known as Kua)should turn, whether the knees are opening and closing, and how to stretch out the elbow joints.
Mike is a coach working in Thailand now. He is enthusiastic about the practical method. He was also helpful during we exercise ,showing me how to adjust our body . Especially when doing the step back to whirl arms movement. For me personally, it was difficult to adjust my body position to a 45degree angle, however, with Mike instruction, I was able to overcome this problem.
Through coach pang’s demonstration, students also learned the proper way to do other techniques, including spiral rotation and the push hand, which I thought was the most interesting. Also, it was really helpful and gave students great confidence to learn how that even weaker people can protect themselves and defeat a stronger opponent by using only a small amout of effort.
We were all attracted to the magic of practical method, and I noticed that the more the students learned , the more interest they seemed to have, I personally learned so much, and really developed a deeper appreciation for Master Chen’s teaching and philosophy. I was quite impressed the whole month’s training, and I am inspired to move forward and keep learning , while improving my health through exercise, along with developing self defense skills.
Although good friendships were made during the month as we studied and trained together, the foreign students were also very interested in learning about the great culture of China. Hopefully ,they will take many good and positive views of China back to their home countries, encourage better understanding and relationships throughout the world.
Time really did seem to fly but quickly as we all stay busy and had fun together. I am a bit sad that the month of July has past, but I am happy to report that the students promised to try to return to Rizhao again next year.
I appreciate having the privilege of serving as a translator between coach Pang and the foreign students. Coach Pang is certainly a very effective teacher in explaining his ideas and demonstrating proper techniques. I hope that I was also successful in my effort to assist coach Pang communicate his thoughts to the students.
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